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New Roadway, Bridges Take Shape on I-10 Reconstruction in Tucson

TUCSON, AZ — A widening and reconstruction project in the northwest Tucson area has transformed a 4-mile segment of Interstate 10 since work began, demolishing travel lanes, multiple bridges, and two interchanges that have been in constant use for decades. With those familiar features now gone, motorists are starting to see the initial signs of the highway’s new features as the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) rebuilds the roadway to add a fourth travel lane between Ina and Ruthrauff roads.

The $171 million project is now 25 percent complete as crews have regraded sections of the roadway, while also placing foundations for nine new bridges that will span washes and reconstructed interchanges at Orange Grove and Sunset roads. Within the next several months, even more dramatic changes will become apparent as crews begin pouring the concrete roadway surface and hoisting 121 bridge girders into place.

Many of those girders will make up a reconfigured Sunset Road interchange that will carry the roadway over I-10, reversing the old design that had Sunset beneath the highway. As part of the interchange work, a project funded by Pima County will extend Sunset Road east to River Road, with new bridges over the Union Pacific Railroad tracks and the Rillito River.

ADOT has minimized construction impacts by maintaining three lanes of traffic on the I-10 frontage roads during daytime hours, with lane restrictions limited to overnight hours. However, traffic will return to the newly rebuilt and widened area of I-10 by late 2024. At that time, the reconstructed Orange Grove interchange will also reopen.

At Orange Grove and Sunset roads, the new interchanges will feature additional lanes on the entrance and exit ramps to promote safety and reduce delays. The project will continue through late 2025, when the Sunset Road interchange will reopen.

Other project improvements include:

  • Rebuilding the Orange Grove Road bridges to allow for higher clearance
  • Replacing all nine bridges in the project area, including those over Canada del Oro Wash and Rillito River
  • Constructing an access path to the Chuck Huckelberry Loop from Sunset Road
  • Related work on lighting, landscaping, and drainage
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