Current Bids
AZ Apache County - Pavement Rehabilitation (2024059)
- Bid Date:
- February 14, 2025
- Project Type(s)
- Description
- Pavement Rehabilitation The proposed project is located in Apache County,on US-60 starting at MP 352.8 to MP 369.2, near ShowLow. The work includes milling the existing travel lanesand replacing them with asphaltic concrete and chip seal,as well as milling and replacing the turnouts with asphalticconcrete. Additionally, the pullouts will be milled and replacedwith compacted AC millings. The work also includes shoulder buildup,replacement of existing guardrails, drainage improvements, seeding, andapplication of pavement markings and other related work.
- Plans:
AZ Navajo County - System Enhancement (Safety Improvements) (2024007)
- Bid Date:
- February 21, 2025
- Project Type(s)
- Description
- System Enhancement (Safety Improvements) The proposed work is located on US 163 in Navajo County,approximately 7 miles north of the town Kayenta, Arizona withinNavajo Indian Reservation. The project begins at MP 404.00 and endsat MP 406.00 with an approximate length of 2.0 miles. The work consistsof widening shoulders to 5 feet and installing centerline and shoulder rumblestrips, earthwork, pipe extension, signing and other related work.
- Plans: